
Photography Contest - June 17th Deadline

Artists Wanted is proud to announce EXPOSURE: a nationwide open call for
photography! All photographers will have their own online portfolio &
receive a complimentary copy of JPG Magazine.

The Top Photographers will be selected by New York Times Photo Editor
Patrick Witty, Supermodel and Fashion Icon Tiiu Kuik, and NYC Gallery
Owner David Kesting for the following award opportunities:

- The Grand Prize: The Top Photographer will have their work presented
in a massive scale photo show on buildings in the top New York City
Art Districts: Chelsea, Dumbo and Williamsburg. Their work will also
be featured at an Opening Event at the Leo Kesting Gallery in
Manhattan on August 9th and they will receive: $2,008 cash, a
full-press promotional campaign and a feature in our upcoming
publication, "The Annual".

- Student Award: The Top Student Photographer will receive a $1,000
scholarship; a feature in "The Annual" and their work will be
presented at the Opening Event.

- Educator's Grant: The Educator of the Top Student Photographer will
receive a $500 discretionary grant and a feature in "The Annual" for
Teaching Excellence.

- People's Choice Award: The public will vote on all the portfolios on
our site and select their Favorite Artist. The People's Choice
Photographer will receive a $500 grant; a feature in "The Annual" and
their work will be presented at the Opening Event.

The Deadline is June 17th.

Submit your best work at:http://www.artistswanted.org/exposure


Konee Rok: Restlessness Is My Nemesis

Konee Rok: Restlessness Is My Nemesis:

Great profile of a Chicago Music Video Director. I especially liked this quote:

“A Poor Craftsman Always Blames His Tools
That’s my whole thing transcending tools. How cool is it to be utilizing none to terrible tools? You can get anything done anyway you want to do it, if you really want to do it. Rhymefest was complaining about the money, ‘if I had this much money, I’d be able to do this.’ Kanye told him you sound like a wife.’ You don’t get that money until you prove you can do it without that money. Resources will come, you just got to prove you can make it happen before that."


Techlearning > > Values to Pass On

Techlearning Link
"Dedicated to the premise 'The values we live by are worth more when we pass them on,' the Foundation for a Better Life has created an interactive site for stories based on an alphabetical list of 50 values, ranging from Ambition to Vision. Each label leads to a page where users may post audio, written, and video stories related to that particular value. It is in blog-format, which should appeal to today's generation. This is an excellent site for class discussions, essay-writing, narrative writing, etc."

Resources for iTeachers

Digital and Video News