San Francisco, California - The Third SanFran MusicTech Summit will bring together the leaders in music & internet technology for panels and discussions on the rapidly evolving digital music industry. The Summit is on Monday, October 20, 2008 from 9 am - 6 pm + cocktails at the Hotel Kabuki (Japantown) 1625 Post Street @ Laguna.
The conference features legendary speakers from all areas of the music-tech ecosystem, including producer Narada Michael Walden, inventor of computer based multimedia Marc Canter, Marin Luther of Rebel Soul Music, representatives from imeem, Lala, MySpace Music, Warner Bros Records, YouTube, Apple iTunes, Google, Parliament / Funkadelic, Pandora, All Music Guide, JamBase, Pivotal Labs, Walden Venture Capital, Bandcamp, The Future of Music Coalition, and many, many more.
Speakers List: http://www.sanfranmusictech/speakers.html
"It is a fabulous event for folks who are (or whom wish to rise) to the level of the digital thought leaders" says Brian Zisk, Executive Producer, "A rare opportunity to meet and mingle with industry leaders in a friendly and conducive to dealmaking environment."
Tickets are currently $150 - $299, with discounts for musicians, developers and students. Raffled items include a Gibson Guitar and more. The Summit is approved for 2 Credit Hours of Continuing Legal Education (including one for ethics) by the State Bar of California.
To register: or call 1-866-55-TICKETS
Sponsors include matchmine, Pandora, JamBase, SeeqPod, MusicBrainz, Friendster, Searchme, LyricFind, Purple Haze Ventures, ABB Records, Gibson,, , Bay Capital Legal, P.C., The Future of Music Coalition, High Flyer Wines, and Sake2Me.