
Nice Resource for Events and Funder Background

Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media: "Grantmakers in Film Electronic Media (GFEM) is an association of grantmakers committed to advancing the field of media arts and public interest media funding. GFEM serves as a resource for grantmakers who fund media content, infrastructure, and policy, those who employ media to further their program goals as well as a collaborative network for funders who wish to learn more about media.

GFEM members have a broad range of interests and approaches, but share the view that electronic media is a vital form of human expression, communication and creativity, and plays a key role in building public will and shaping civil society. (For more information on becoming a member see our Membership page.)"


How to Turn Art into Profit?

It's been on my mind a lot lately - how can I help my students to make money from their digital work? I mean, they are learning skills that might someday translate into a job in the (highly competitive) world of media arts. However, is there a way for them to make money NOW with the products their producing in class? Isn't that part of Web 2.0's potential?

This article recommends Youth Media as a source for revenue for the non-profits that run the programs that teach them. Youth Media Reporter: Non-profit does not mean Non-revenue: "The focus on earned income within the nonprofit community continues to rise, fueled by boards, funders and stakeholders enamored with the idea of social entrepreneurship and diversified funding streams. The good news is that youth media groups are in an excellent position to capitalize on the trend, as they often produce a tangible product like videos, web sites and magazines"

What do you think? Have you bought any youth made media on iTunes? Have your youth?


Otherwise known as Participatory Video

Journalism in the Hands of the Neighborhood - New York Times: "After a free-flowing discussion about the kind of news they see and read in mainstream outlets, the group of about 15 was encouraged by the class’s three teachers to suggest their own story ideas, a few of which they will turn into five-minute video segments by the end of the eight-week class. A pattern quickly emerged: proposed topics included gun control, violence in schools, as well as crime against cab drivers."


Shooting Underwater

Lifehacker How To: DIY Waterproof Camera Enclosure

We also used to just use a fish tank. Put the camera inside (under a towel just-in-case) and shoot at water level. Nice Jaws type effect.

Resources for iTeachers

Digital and Video News